“I thought you wanted me to “perform” Cindy Baker as one would perform Hamlet. As I was reading the lecture in advance, it became clearer to me that this was something quite different than a lecture.”
Rodier examines the dominant narrative of the thin, cisgender, heterosexual white female victim, and the ways in which social and cultural conversations are impacted by sexual violence in media.
This introduction reflects on practices of telling stories about works by influential contemporary feminist philosophers, interrogating what is considered impactful feminist philosophy.
[D]ominant norms of who is a rational philosopher continue to be aligned with contemporary neoliberal values such as individualism, self-sufficiency, discipline, and freedom of the will.
This text offers students an introduction to critical thinking methods, principles, and applied examples. It engages the reader to question their attitude and approach to critical thinking .
Focusing on the media response to Brown's violence, we examine how many accounts of gender-based violence rely on temporal imperatives that are intended to bolster women's agency.